Title: Your Funeral
Venue: Studio BE, 3110 N Sheffield Ave, Chicago IL
Dates:March 26th, April 2nd, 9th, 16th @ 10pm
Admission: $10 general / $5 student
Amanda Bell, Fin Coe, John Horton, Chris Kervick, Jim Kogler, Stasia Lizanich, Kiki Marich, Molly Mikolajczyk, Ryan Santa, Jim Tomola
The Pretty/Windy Company is very excited to announce their second show, Your Funeral.
Pretty/Windy recently wrapped up the four-week run of their debut show, Nothing Personal, and in the wake of enthusiastic audience responses, have moved right on to production of their next project, which aims to build even further on the success of their first.
Your Funeral is a sketch show celebration of life and death, with intelligent, honest songs and sketches written and performed by the Pretty/Windy company. The show explores a number of different comedic scenarios, but is tied together with the dark comic theme of mortality. And before the show begins each night, the audience is treated to an improv opener by a different local team each week.
Studio BE is an all-ages venue with a drinking policy that allows adults 21 and older to bring their own alchohol.
Studio BE is located at 3110 N Sheffield Ave, right by the Belmont 'L' stop - cross-streets Belmont & Sheffield.